Depending on the number of categories and products your site has, listing the top three levels of categories is sufficient. 视您的站点所具有的目录和产品的数量而定,列出目录的最前三个级别即可。
You can see that it contains a number of other categories within it. 您将看到,它包含几个其他类别。
Earnings before interest and tax We reduce the number of categories of data and will gain less information from the contingency table. 减除利息和税款前收益减少数据的项数,会使联表提供的信息有所减少。
Specifies the number of parent categories that will display the template in the New Project dialog box. 指定将在“新建项目”对话框中显示此模板的父类别的数目。
Seasonally adjusted month-on-month data from September shows falling exports in a number of categories, including the dominant mechanical and electrical products. 9月份按季度调整的数据显示,包括机械和电子两类主要出口产品在内的数类产品,月度出口额环比下降。
Total number of categories that the learning plugin has encountered. 学习插件遇到的类别总数量。
British performers and filmmakers have triumphed at the annual Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles, winning in a number of categories including best film drama for the movie Slumdog Millionaire. 英国演员和电影导演在洛杉矶的全球奖上大获全胜,影片《平民窟的百万富翁》赢得了包括最佳剧本奖在内的许多种类的大奖。
Beijing has cut a host of small incentives for overseas sales, such as tax rebates and, in a number of product categories, including some steel products, it has even imposed export taxes. 中国已经取消了众多鼓励外销的小型激励措施,例如出口退税;在许多产品类别上(包括部分钢产品),中国甚至开征了出口税。
The quests will be divided into a number of categories, and progression in each will allow players to earn different rewards. 他们的任务将分成几类,而每一个让玩家获得不同的奖励进展。
Minor lexical categories are closed categories because the number of lexical items in these categories is fixed and no new members are allowed for. 次要词类属于封闭性词类,因为这些词类中的词的数量是固定的,不能添加新的成分。
Gets or sets the number of categories in the category resource file. 获取或设置类别资源文件中类别的数目。
For more complex projects I sometimes go a little further by discussing the Exploration Factor in terms of a number of categories. 对于更复杂的项目,我有时会更进一步,讨论若干类别内的探索因子。
Within the context of brain drain, countries can be grouped into a number of broad categories. 就人才外流而言,各国可以被分成几大类。
3, Retroflex final shape after high-frequency use, the main vowel will gradually change over a long period of adjustment instead, the complex more retroflex final summary, the gradual reduction in the number of rhyme categories system gradually simplified. 儿化韵形成之后,在高频率的使用中,主要元音会渐渐变化,经过长期的调整归并,儿化韵由繁趋简,数目逐渐减少,韵类系统逐渐简化。
Determining Number of Categories of Dependent Variables of Ordinal Logistic Regression Model 序次Logistic回归模型中因变量分类数的确定
An automatic fingerprint classification algorithm classifies a fingerprint into a number of pre-specified categories according to the features extracted from the fingerprint. 指纹分类算法将输入指纹归入到预先规定好的若干大类中。
Vocational students through the online shopping needs and choose to purchase goods for a large number of categories of survey information and first-hand information, based on the findings of the vocational school students and the enterprise venture will make the major difficulties faced by a comprehensive analysis. 通过对中职学生网上购物需求及选择购买商品类别的调查获取了大量信息和第一手资料,根据调查结果对中职学生创业意愿及创业面临的主要困难做出全面分析。
When the number of categories is large, the cost to obtain the classifier with flat classification learning is expensive, and when dealing with unknown document, it is obviously inappropriate to compare the document with the whole class models. 当类别数目较多时,平面分类学习得到分类器的时间开销大,而且在对未知文档分类时,需要与全部类模型进行比较,这显然很不恰当。
Contemporary posters are from a number of other categories of good design ideas and elements, has become more colorful. 当代电影海报也借鉴了许多其它门类的优秀的设计思路和元素,变得更加丰富多彩。
However, the intercept and capture of pluses usually lack the number of pluses categories. So radar emitter orientation information sorting belongs to the unsupervised clustering typically. 由于无法确切知道截获的脉冲流类别数目,辐射源方向信息分选本质上属于典型的无监督分类问题。
Image classification is a process which simplifies the complex phenomenon to a small number of general categories. And it is an important way to extract useful information for the target recognition. 图像分类是将复杂的现象简化为少量的一般性类别的过程,是提取有用信息实现目标识别的重要途径。
At the third part, the reason of graduate academic morale problems is analysed rationally in the multi-disciplinary perspective, and a number of factors fall into two categories: objective and subjective factors. 第三部分用多学科的视角对造成研究生学术道德失范问题的原因进行了理性的分析,并将众多因素归为两大类:客观因素和主观因素。
Mild language narrative from the simplicity of the abstract, recently joined a large number of philosophical categories of text, from immature to a mature, developed their own language style. 语言上从简约温婉走向叙事化的抽象,近来又加入大量的哲学范畴的文字,从稚嫩走向了成熟,形成了自己的语言风格。
Forestry industry involves a number of categories of the primary, secondary and tertiary industry in the national economy, which has many kinds of products, a long industrial chain and wide coverage. 林业产业涉及国民经济一、二、三产业的多个门类,产品种类多、产业链条长、覆盖范围广。
The number of particles is averagely distribued according to the number of gestures categories. 粒子数目根据手势类别数目平均进行分配。
As WNN structure and pattern complexity greatly impact the results of fault classification and diagnosis under condition of large number of fault categories, support vector machine ( SVM) algorithm is proposed to fault diagnosis. 由于小波神经网络在故障类型数目较大时,故障的分类和诊断受网络结构复杂性和样本复杂性的影响较大,提出了基于支持向量机(SVM)的故障诊断方法。
Especially with the wal-mart supermarket scale continues to expand, the sharp increase in the number of product, the product categories also will continue to update, the relevant product all kinds of information and re-doubled will also increase. 特别是随着沃尔玛超市规模的不断扩大,产品数量的急剧增加,所入库产品的种类也会不断地更新,有关产品的各种信息量也会成倍增长。
Then the improved algorithm based on the density function and S-FCM is put forward, and it is improved with regard to the number determination of the cluster initial categories and the convergence speed. 提出了本文的改进算法&基于密度函数和S-FCM的改进算法,此算法从聚类初始类别数的确定和算法收敛速度方面对FCM进行了改进。
For example, it can effectively capture the feature of neighboring relationships existing among a number of categories. 3. 例如,转移概率函数能有效地捕捉到范畴间存在的邻接关系特性。
When tagging a large number of categories with high price of the sample, combined with the incremental learning theory is an effective way to solve the problem. 当获得大量带有类别标注的样本代价较高时,与增量学习理论结合是解决问题的有效途径。